WATCH! Spicy Fanatics, This is the Beer for You

Mango at labuyo combo swak kaya?

What makes a good pair for a cold beer? You’ve guessed it right. Hot spicy food on a warm serving dish. What happens when brewers came up with Spicy Beer? Nothing sort than bliss for spice lovers.

We found this video of people tasting spicy beer for the first time. Sino kaya nakaisip na swak sa panlasa ang combo ng manga at habanero? yung mango labuyo ka papasa? That is what the Ballast Point Habanero Sculfin offers, a fruity sweet beer with a heat finish. Sculfin by the way is a meaty fish but has a sting just like their beer.

On the other hand, the Evil Twin Jackie O’s You’re in the Jungle Baby is a sweet but offensively spicier than other spicy beer in the video. A quick research and we found that some of the beer connoisseurs find it a bit boring like a stout with a few dash of hot sauce. The last one, Rogue Ale Sriracha Stout comes in a bottle that looks like sriracha bottle. This beer is perfect for putting down that pizza, hotdog or burger, anything that you want to have a spicy finish. This is also great for cold weather like in a visit to Baguio or Tagaytay.

Would you try spicy beer? Hit us in the comments below. Cheers!

Video by: Buzzfeed Video

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