#BalikAlindog2018 starts now…

Hit that #BalikAlindog2018 goals sooner…


Hitting goals needs to start somewhere, and it start with that first step or leap of faith. May it be a weight loss goal, a travel goal or a career shift, one needs to start from somewhere.

We found this video that somewhat encapsulate what we’re trying to say, by doing two or things at the same time to reach those goals. This guy wanted to make a good gesture for his step dad that has done him good all these years by buying him a new car. In true youtube fashion, he bought the car in pennies, dimes and quarters. Para sa mga hinde dalubhasa sa pera tulad ko, pennies are 1 centavos, dimes are 10 centavos and quarters are 25 centavos. The car cost $12,000 or roughly Php 612, 000, so its one expensive gift. The coins were loaded to the showroom in three wheelbarrows that nearly made the sales guy think he was being punked. We bet it was heavy.

Each penny weighs between 2.5grams to 3.11grams, while dimes and quarters weighs 2.286 grams and 5.670 grams, respectively. To give you an idea how heavy they are we have consulted our math genius Mr. Miguel Gotli. He calculates that in quarters it would weigh 272.16 kilos, in dimes, 274.32 kilos and in pennies (average weight, 2.805 grams) 3,366 kilos. In pennies, the weight is almost as heavy as the car itself.  That’s too much math in one article, time to drink some beer! Cheers!

Video by: MrBeast

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